2019 Halloween: Downtown Brownwood & Greenleaf Cemetery1
Greenleaf Cemetery Association Board Members and Volunteers will be handing out candy to Greenleaf visitors from 6 to 8 on Thursday Oct. 31 in honor of residents and Downtown Brownwood business owners who are laid to rest at Greenleaf and who, no doubt, enjoyed and participated in Brownwood Halloween celebrations of the past. Come join us as we remember, respect, honor and include those who came before us and helped build a better Brownwood. #beyourbestinbrownwood
Greenleaf moving forward!
Greenleaf Cemetery regains nonprofit status
July 4, 2019
Happy Independence Day Greetings from Greenleaf!
Greenleaf Cemetery Association Board and Perpetual Care Team
2019 Father’s Day Car Show
While storms were moving around and near us, we were fortunate to have a beautiful day in Brownwood to celebrate, honor and remember Fathers laid to rest at Greenleaf, those laid to rest elsewhere and those in our presence. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, participants and attendees, Greenleaf was also able to raise much needed funds for the continued upkeep of the grounds. #ittakesavillage
Regards, Steve Harris
President – Greenleaf Cemetery Association
https://www.greenleafcemetery.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/img_8951.trim_.movSponsored by:
Brownwood Funeral Home
Davis-Morris Funeral Home
Heartland Funeral Home
Blaylock Funeral Home
Refreshments provided by Dr Pepper Brownwood
and Ben E. Keith Foods.
A special Thank You to Heartland Cruisers.
Thank you!
Please help Greenleaf continue the progress. Financial donations continue to be appreciated and necessary. The Greenleaf Cemetery Association Board, and the great Greenleaf perpetual care team, are working extra hard for you, the community and visitors. #visitbrownwood #teamgreenleaf #ittakesavillage
Steve Harris
2019 Father’s Day at Greenleaf
Thin Blue Line!
Robert E. Howard Days Coffee Stop @ Greenleaf
- Robert E. Howard Days Coffee Stop
- Sat., June 8, 2019
- Greenleaf Cemetery
- 2615 US-377
- Brownwood, TX 76801 USA
- Coincides w/ Robert E Howard Days (Cross Plains, Tx.)
- Visitors welcomed to Greenleaf.
- Refreshments available from 10AM to 2PM.
- Support the cemetery upkeep by joining the Greenleaf Coffee Club. #donations
- Sponsored by:
Ben E. Keith Company (Fort Worth), Steves’ Market & Deli (Brownwood), Tr3s Leches Bakery (Brownwood), Dr.Pepper Bottlers, Brownwood, Inc., Spirit of Texas Winery (Early, TX.), Bill King, Insurance Specialists (Brownwood), Joe Sheppard Designs (Brownwood), The Turtle Restaurant (Brownwood) …………………………….