Memorial Gift to Greenleaf …..

Thanks to a recent anonymous & generous $2,500.00 memorial donation, the NEW Greenleaf Office/Gathering Center, currently under improvements, will soon be outfitted with a NEW Stove-Refrigerator-Microwave/Vent and Christmas Tree! A NEW City of Brownwood, Texas – Government funded ac/heat system was recently installed. A NEW roof, by grant and Jamco Roofing & Exteriors, LLC – Brownwood, TX donation, was also recently installed!

We are currently seeking funding and sourcing for House Painting and a NEW Porch/Patio w/ADA Ramp.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in making a tax deductible donation to the Greenleaf Cemetery Association for this Greenleaf Cemetery Improvement Project, those donations can be forwarded to

The Greenleaf Cemetery Association
P.O. Box 455
Brownwood, Texas 76804

Or online at

November & December 2nd Sundays Cemetery Fundraiser

Mark your Calendar!

Walt’s “Brownwood Bees” Honey Chicken & Biscuit Lunch @ SM&D!

Dates: 2nd Sunday November 12th & 2nd Sunday December 10th
Time: 10am to 2pm
Location: Steves’ Market & Deli / Dine-in or Take-out
Phone: 325.646.6108
Why: Greenleaf Cemetery Fundraiser

Donation: $15.00
Includes: Honey Chicken Biscuit, Chips & Soda

(Note: All proceeds go towards the operations and upkeep of Greenleaf Cemetery! Thank you Brants Better Bees for the Honey Donation!)

It takes teamwork to keep the flags flying!

Thank you City of Brownwood, Texas – Government for your quick assistance with the Greenleaf Flag Pole!

Note: Unfortunately, due to continuing financial & equipment constraints & limitations, the Greenleaf Cemetery Association Board & Staff is often forced to seek assistance from the community and City. Fortunately, we occasionally receive the assistance requested! We want to take this opportunity to thank City Manager Emily Crawford and her team for the quick assistance with the Cemetery flag pole! Thanks to the teamwork, our flags are once again flying!

Regards, SH
GCA Board, Staff & Miss Greenleaf

“Step right up!”

Whether past or present, we celebrate and honor the lives of those who bring joy and entertainment to our communities! The Brotherhood & Sisterhood is strong within the Carnival Family! #honor #respect & #neverforgotten