Christmas at Greenleaf


Greenleaf’s 2018 Holiday Trail Of Lights

December 14, 15, 21, 22 & 23

6 to 8pm

Enter at Hwy 377 Gate/Exit at Center Street Gate

(No Entry Fee. Donations accepted and appreciated at Gate.)


Roberts & Petty

Blaylock Funeral Home 


Tr3s Leches Panaderia 

Landmark Life

Davis-Morris Funeral Home 

Hidalgo’s Restaurants (San Angelo)


Mid- Tex Federal Credit Union

Heartland Funeral Home 

Steves’ Market & Deli

Brennan Vineyards (Comanche)

Citizens National Bank

Brownwood Funeral & Cremation

Special thanks to the City of Brownwood, ONCOR, David Grimsley, KBB and Ross Neel (Elliot Electric Supply!