In The News: Home Depot Foundation, Greenleaf Cemetery Association & City of Brownwood


For many years, Brownwood’s Historic Greenleaf Cemetery has needed a new Office/Gathering/Event Center. Thanks to the hard work of the current Greenleaf Cemetery Association Board and Staff (in place since 2018), City of Brownwood leaders (past and present), and The Home Depot Foundation and Volunteers, Greenleaf’s soon-to-open facility is becoming a reality. The old house, now a lovingly improved office, will have a much-needed ADA porch deck with a ramp and handrails. The new office will also feature bathroom facilities connected to city services and an Honor Guard Changing Room, named in memory of local veteran Spud Butler, and so many more worthy veterans, who have given their all and are now laid to rest at Greenleaf. For years, Military Honor Guards visiting Greenleaf were forced to dress in a less-than-worthy office space that often included an inoperable septic system bathroom. That day is no more thanks to so many.

Draco Miller Jr., Brownwood City Council Member for Greenleaf, says “I would like to first and foremost thank [The] Home Depot [Foundation] for their generous donation of all the materials needed to build a front and back porch for the new Greenleaf Cemetery office and gathering center. We would also like to thank all the Home Depot staff members who came out and provided community service hours to build the project. This project will further enhance our residents’ and visitors’ experience in historic Greenleaf Cemetery.”

Steve Harris, Greenleaf Cemetery Association President since 2018, thanks The Home Depot Foundation and The Home Depot’s volunteer team, Team Depot, for their generous investment and work on this latest “I Believe In Greenleaf” project. We would also like to thank City of Brownwood leaders (past and present) for the generous donation of the house and utility services provided. “Without this ‘it takes a village’ approach, this long-needed, donation-driven improvement project likely would have never been possible,” stated Harris.

When asked what this community project means to him, David Schiff, Brownwood Home Depot Store Manager said, “The Brownwood Home Depot was honored to be a part of the Greenleaf Cemetery project. One of Home Depot’s core values is “Giving Back,” and there is no better feeling than doing something to support our veterans and community.   I would personally like to thank The Home Depot Foundation for helping financially for this project to the Brownwood and surrounding communities, and my staff for helping volunteer their services.”

In summation, this latest Greenleaf Cemetery improvement project was a long time coming and will help welcome guests in a worthy manner for many years to come thanks to The Home Depot Foundation. The Foundation has pledged to invest $750 million in veteran causes by 2030 and $50 million in training the next generation of skilled tradespeople through the Path to Pro program by 2028.